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Software player

The Story Player is a minimal implementation of OpenStoryTeller in puerely software (without hardware device)


Technolologies used:

  • C language
  • Raylib for graphics and sounds
  • CMake build system

It should be possible to run it everywhere where Raylib can run.

How to use

Just open the C32 Virtual Machine binary file ("story.c32", typically), images and sounds must follow standard project organisation.

How to build for Desktop

The source code is available in the story-player sub-directory. From the command line:

mkdir build
cmake ..

How to build for Android

The source code is available in the story-player sub-directory.

First, make sure the Android SDK is found:

export ANDROID_HOME=/mnt/work/android-sdk

Then, use the gradle script to build:

./gradlew assembleDebug

Finally, install the generated APK on your device:

adb -s a19a2a install -r app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug-V1-20240503.apk


  • Change the option -s a19a2a with the corresponding device ID you are using. See it using adb devices to see connected phones.
  • app-debug-V1-20240503.apk is the APK name containing the date of the build. Use the APK generated in this directory.


  1. Drag and drop zipped story archive
  2. Stories library manager

Source code under the MIT License, art under the CC0 License.