This documentation will guide you to make your own story teller. You can choose between:
Before starting, here is a complete list of links where you'll find project information:
You can help in various ways:
Before building your own hardware, make sure you have a minimal knowledge of basic electronics. You may have to solder some wires, but nothing's complicated.
The general procedure is:
Without the enclosure, you can expect something between 30 € and 50 € depending on your hardware choices. Try to reuse a maximum of spare parts to lower the price (resistors, buttons...).
It is not exhaustive but here is a minimal list:
The software player is free and open source, you can rebuild it from the source code or download prebuild releases. See dedicated section.
Not yet, waiting for the availability of the first complete kit to determine the form factor.
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2023-present Anthony Rabine