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Story Editor development

Source code location

The source code is available in the OpenStory Teller mono-repository Github.

The source code is found in the story-editor sub-directory.

Development tools

You'll need:

  • A C++ compiler
  • CMake build utility

Here is a list of packages for Ubuntu-like systems:

sudo apt install cmake mesa-utils mesa-common-dev ninja-build libxext-dev libpipewire-0.3-dev libasound2-dev libpulse-dev

How to build

Open the CMakeLists.txt with your favorite IDE (ie, QtCreator, Visual Studio Code) or build from the command line.

How to generate a Windows executable and setup executable on Ubuntu

The build system uses a Docker environment image for reproductible builds.

Run script.

Output file is located here: story-editor/build-win32/Open-Story-Editor-1.0.0-win64.exe

Linux build

cd story-editor
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
make package



Source code under the MIT License, art under the CC0 License.